
Fabian coding software on chairs (2014)

Coding software on chairs (2014)

Software Engineering & Architecture

I’m an engineer with passion. I love to analyze systems, identify problems & optimization opportunities and find pragmatic solutions.

When I was 14 years old, I grabbed my father’s IT books and taught myself how to write software. Later I got certified as an IT technician, studied mathematics, worked many years in different agencies and software companies before I started my own venture and helped countless clients to realize their projects and bring them to successful completion.

I have 15 years of experience in the industry and work mainly with the technology stack PHP, Python, var. Database Languages, JavaScript, HTML & CSS to deliver high-end software that is accessible over the internet.

Biohacking & Performance Optimization

Working all those years as a professional software engineer & problem solver I learned a lot about how to keep my body and my mind in shape to support my pursuit of excellence and high performance.

From optimal nutrition intake, efficient exercising, time management techniques, planning & organizing, cold showers, sleep optimization, productivity hacks and meditation techniques - I have experimented with it all!

My extensive knowledge in the area of biohacking & performance optimization has led me to build the company Wild Monkey to support our customers to become the best version of themselves!

I'm available for talks, interviews and workshops on those topics.


I always felt a strong entrepreneurial spirit.

I have founded and co-founded several companies and worked with teams on countless projects over the years, always learning more and improving my skills.

For example, in 2014 I was the co-founder of Support Camp, a technical support service for WordPress operators where I was the head of an international team of engineers to provide our customers 24/7 high-quality support in all technical affairs.

My latest enterprise now is Wild Monkey, a D2C e-commerce business in the area of biohacking & performance optimization. The mission of the company is to provide a comprehensive knowledge platform on all things biohacking & performance optimization and a supportive product line to help health-conscious individuals and high performers become the best versions of themselves.

Find me on LinkedIn or email me at mail(at) to get in touch and discuss how I can support you and your business!